Kamis, 03 Oktober 2019

Contoh Legal Due Diligence


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  • Training Hukum Kontrak drafting Agustus 2015

    Training Hukum Kontrak drafting Lex Mundus Agustus 2015, didesain secara khusus untuk memberikan pemahaman komprehensif tentang metode ...
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  • Duties of Directors

    In this video you\'ll learn about the duties of directors in an association, including: duty of skill, duty of diligence and duty to avoid conflict.
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  • Training Hukum Contract Drafting and Negotiation Skills 29 Maret 2018

    Event Details Date: 29/03/2018 09:00 ??16:30 Venue: Infinity Virtual Office and Coworking Space Categories: Contract Drafting, Hukum Tags: Hukum Investment ...
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  • Central Bankers Scramble, Protect System, Push Tariff Narrative - Episode 1677a

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  • Profesi Hukum Advokad - Business Law BINUS University

    Film ini merupakan bagian dari tugas perkuliahan Pengantar Ilmu Hukum di Program Studi Ilmu Hukum BINUS University Jakarta, tahun 2016.
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  • Kewenangan Pembatalan Perda - STHI Jentera

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  • Training Hukum | In House Traning PT. Pertamina (Persero) Contract Management

    Training Hukum ini didesain secara khusus untuk memberikan pemahaman komprehensif tentang metode penyusunan kontrak-kontrak bisnis di Indonesia.
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  • Wawancara Dengan Lawyer Bagus SD Nurbuwono

    Memiliki pengetahuan bisnis dan pengalaman dalam bidang hukum yang mumpuni membuat sosok satu ini menjadi salah satu pengacara yang diperhitungkan ...
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  • Contract Drafting & Negotiation Skills

    Tempat : Merchantile Athletic Club, Jakarta Gedung WTC lantai 18, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29 ??31 Latar Belakang Training ini didesain secara khusus untuk ...
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  • Topic : Agency | Subject : Regulation | Uniform CPA Exam | Review in Audio

    Maths Guide now available on Google Play. . Please watch: Types of Matrix https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBH4X6HXwUs --~-- In order to become a CPA ...
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  • SDT Toyota 4x4 training with the Gall Boys

    Dave at it again.
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  • Food and Media: Who to Trust?

    Edible Education 101 is a weekly lecture series that brings renown experts ??leading academics and practitioners ??to UC Berkeley to share their visions, ...
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  • SEMINAR HKI oleh Dosen, Konsultan HKI, dan Advokat

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